Sunday 17 April 2016


I am a soul that crave for power
In this unyielding and brooding hour
I am a soul that crave for power
Heading towards a golden tower

Nigeria's economy is dead
People can't afford a good meal
No more i am prepared to be led
I want to be the lead
I know what my people want
I know what they need

I cry; My people are in pain
No power supply; No good roads
The prices of food stuffs, Insane!
Unbearable! They now eat in codes

Ye! The good living they deserve let me rain
Let me be the servant leader I am born to be
I'll ease their pains over and over again.
Let me have the power I crave
And they'll enjoy like the sugar ant.
To poverty they'll no longer be slaves

I want to lead with little or no gain
And so I crave to be in power
I want to lead with little or no gain
To make my people's life blossom like a crimson flower...

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