Sunday 17 April 2016


We walked into UNILAG
As we set out on life’s road.
With our Fathers and Mothers
Hoping to reap what they sowed.
But life has not been easy on us
And that is one thing I'm here to discuss

As I'm here talking to you all, I can affirm
Only few students were given hall of residence
With or without bed spaces
This i feel is due to DSA's negligence
Perhaps to them we don't exists
We are not human; we are beasts

I wonder how a friend of mine would have survived
If not squatted by a good Samaritan.
Is it a crime he chose to school in his fatherland
This is one question i still don't understand
He came all the way from Port Harcourt
Ask me? Isn't it time we sued the DSA to court

Truth! The DSA drives me mad; They drive me insane
I cannot hear well; They've damaged my tympanic membrane
Cos I don't sleep well; I get home late at night
And had to wake up, even before the morning light
By eight, I've got to be ready for Dr. Bolaji's lecture; Not a minute past
Else, he'll chase me outta class

Nay! I'll never leave a word unsaid, I'll tell how i feel
Transport have exhausted our cash; we can't afford a good meal
Yet! The lecturers aren't helping at all
They treat us as if we're from Cameroon
Chasing us out of the classroom
I ask? Do they think we were all born with a silver spoon

I'm saying this bold and clear without missing words
The DSA are liars; They are load of tiny rods
Tell them! Tell The DSA they've driven me insane
They are useless; I'll say it over and over again
What do they stand for? I need them explain
They aren't bothered at all about our very pain...

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