Sunday 17 April 2016


I thought i had the courage to offer his course,
But now! dear friend, I seek for divorce.
I thought i can pass his intelligence test,
But now he said I cannot possibly get the best.

He does not care if i fail or pass,
He does not care if I'm brittle as glass.
But I'm concerned if i fail,
Coz My C.G.P.A is falling down the scale.

Friend mine!
You can never get a 90; No matter how serious.
This man I am talking of, is nothing but a genius.
What will you write that'll make him bow,
What can you say that'll make him raise an eyebrow.

One day! I hope to be on his page,
For he is too brilliant for a man of his age.
In complexion he is light,
He has a memory you cannot overwrite.

Truth! To take the course; I am keen,
Coz He is arguably the best i have seen.
He closes his eyes and teaches off hand,
When he explains; you just cant misunderstand.

I have a strong feeling of respect for that dragon,
Even though you hate him with passion.
I vow to attend his classes steady,
But to sit for his exams; I still am not ready

Nay! I have no guts to offer his course,
Tell him when you see him; I have filed for divorce.
He'll understand i had to run for my life,
I can't let him treat me like a wildlife...

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